We need your help in reaching your neighbours and communities
A release on how we are looking for college students to join hands with us in conducting outreach sessions
We’ve found it positively simpler and more intuitive to network through students since we are driven to empathize with each other because a majority of students stay away from their homes and loved ones. As a result of this realization, we’ve decided to encourage the reporting of incidents all over Bengaluru while we try and engage with students of colleges and institutions across the city.
With your help, we will be able to engage with residents of your communities, talk to them about how they face incidents and hear their woes.
Every scheduled day, we will head out to talk to residents of a particular area or apartment. Introduce ourselves, inform them of our motives, assure anonymity and ask if they would like to report/document an incident with us.
We would like to leave a permanent mark in the institutions we visit and so we are planning what we call “Bottu boards” or “Bhindi Boards”. On this board, will be a map of their surrounding area on which victims and friends can leave a mark wherever they have felt harassed, unsafe or violated.
If you and your college club or association is interested in getting us to your space, get in touch with us at safeyelli@gmail.com